Pooran has worked at the forefront of sustainability for over 30 years as a serial social entrepreneur, consultant and author.
He has set up enterprises in sustainable forestry, organic farming, recycling and green real estate.
He put together the world's first zero carbon urban village of 100 homes, BedZED, in south London, and created the One Planet Living (OPL) framework and initiative, leading teams writing sustainability strategies for cities, retailers, manufacturing companies and zero carbon real estate totally over $30bn in 30 countries.
OPL formed the inspiration and the basis for the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all UN member states in 2015.
In 2019 he founded technology company OnePlanet, embedding his approach to sustainability in a digital platform.
He has been awarded an OBE, made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects and named a European Social Entrepreneur 2011. He is a trustee of The Design Council.

Pooran Desai OBE